📎Celo Workshops

As Women Biz community, we have organised workshops to promove the participation of Celo in LATAM communities.

Get to know about CELO🌿

Our workshops serve as dynamic hubs for promoting Celo adoption across Latin America. These events are meticulously crafted to offer immersive learning experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of Celo's capabilities and its potential impact on financial inclusion in the region. Through interactive sessions, participants delve into practical demonstrations, case studies, and hands-on exercises, empowering them to harness the power of blockchain technology for social and economic empowerment.

We were talking about CELO in spanish:

  • Conociendo a Celo, una blockchain verde

  • Celo nació un día mundial de la tierra (22 de abril del 2020)

  • Misión y Visión de Celo

  • Qué son las finanzas regenerativas o ReFi

  • Qué es una Prueba de Participación (PoS)

  • Cómo construir una Dapp en CELO

  • DEFI en CELO

  • Tokens en CELO

  • Redes sociales y recursos de Celo

Opportunities in CELO 🛩️

Our workshops go beyond mere education, fostering a vibrant community of Celo enthusiasts and practitioners in Latin America. Attendees have the opportunity to network, collaborate, and exchange insights with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive ecosystem for ongoing learning and innovation. By organizing these workshops, we aim to catalyze widespread adoption of Celo, driving positive change and advancing financial inclusion across the diverse landscape of Latin America.

* Crea Dapps en MiniPay





  • Asistentes:

Last updated