๐Ÿ“Code of Conduct (En)

Women Biz Code of Conduct


Women Biz is a community dedicated to empowering women through blockchain technology. We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and collaborative space where women can learn, share knowledge, and grow professionally in the field of blockchain technology and entrepreneurship. To ensure this safe space, it is necessary to have a clear and well-defined Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct sets forth the rules and expectations of behavior within our community to ensure an environment of mutual respect and support. At Women Biz, we value diversity and believe in the power of community to transform lives, making every member feel welcome and appreciated, and able to fully participate in all the opportunities we offer. Together, we build a bright future full of possibilities.


The Women Biz Code of Conduct is established to ensure an environment of mutual respect and support, creating a safe and inclusive space where women can learn, share knowledge, and grow professionally in the Web3 ecosystem and entrepreneurship.


The Women Biz Code of Conduct applies to:

  • Ambassadors: Members who manage and coordinate the internal operations of Women Biz.

  • Community Members: All active members in various social media groups, as well as events and activities organized by Women Biz.

  • Allies and Partners: Organizations and entities that collaborate with Women Biz on joint projects and events.

  • Volunteers and Collaborators: Anyone participating in activities and projects organized by Women Biz, whether as a volunteer or occasional collaborator.

This Code of Conduct ensures that everyone involved in Women Biz maintains an environment of respect, inclusion, and cooperation, both in physical and virtual spaces related to our community.

Acceptable Conduct

Community ambassadors of Women Biz should behave ethically, respectfully, and collaboratively at all times. This includes:

  • Showing respect and courtesy to everyone in the community.

  • Fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment, free from discrimination and harassment.

  • Actively participating in discussions and activities, sharing knowledge and experiences constructively.

  • Helping and supporting other community members, promoting collective growth.

  • Being honest and transparent in all interactions, maintaining high standards of integrity.

Unacceptable Conduct

To maintain a safe and respectful environment, the following behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • Any form of discrimination, harassment, or abusive behavior.

  • Comments or actions that demean or degrade others.

  • Sharing confidential information without permission.

  • Dishonest or misleading conduct.

  • Any other action that goes against the values and objectives of the Women Biz community.

Severe Offenses

Severe offenses are actions that seriously compromise the safety and well-being of community members. These offenses include, but are not limited to:

Harassment and Abuse: Includes sexual harassment, verbal, physical, or psychological harassment, and any form of intimidation or threat. Examples:

  • Sending unwanted messages of a sexual nature.

  • Insulting or degrading other members.

  • Intimidating someone based on their opinions or knowledge about blockchain technology.

Discrimination: Any form of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other personal characteristics. Examples:

  • Making racist or sexist comments.

  • Excluding someone from activities or discussions because of their identity.

Privacy Violations: Sharing personal information of other members without their consent, including photos, contact information, or any other sensitive information. Examples:

  • Posting personal data without permission in public forums.

  • Sharing screenshots of private conversations.

Inappropriate Content: Sharing content that is violent, sexually explicit, offensive, or inappropriate for the community. Examples:

  • Posting explicit graphic material.

  • Sharing links to inappropriate websites.

Illegal Conduct: Engaging in illegal activities or promoting illicit conduct. Examples:

  • Promoting fraudulent schemes related to Web3.

  • Engaging in unauthorized hacking activities.

Possible Sanctions for Severe Offenses

  • Temporary Suspension: Temporary exclusion from the community for a defined period, with the aim of reviewing the situation and allowing reflection on the behavior.

  • Permanent Expulsion: Permanent exclusion from the community in cases of severe or repeated offenses when the behavior is considered to go against the values and objectives of Women Biz.

  • Reporting to Authorities: Reporting to the relevant authorities if the offense constitutes a violation of the law or endangers the safety of members.

Minor Offenses

Minor offenses are behaviors that negatively affect the community environment but do not seriously compromise the safety and well-being of members. These offenses include, but are not limited to:

  1. Disrespectful or Derogatory Comments: Making comments that, while not severe, are derogatory or hurtful to other members. Examples:

    • Making destructive criticism of other members' work.

    • Using inappropriate language in discussions.

  2. Disruption of Conversation Flow: Posting off-topic messages or spam. Examples:

    • Repeatedly posting unrelated links in discussions.

    • Interrupting conversations with irrelevant messages.

  3. Lack of Collaboration: Manifested in a lack of respect for basic rules of coexistence and cooperation in community activities and events. This includes:

    • Not fulfilling commitments in collaborative projects.

    • Not following established guidelines for events and activities.

    • Excessive absenteeism, such as missing 70% of scheduled meetings or events without valid justification.

    • Not reporting on time or fulfilling assigned activities and responsibilities.

    • Lack of active participation and communication in ongoing projects and activities.

  4. Inappropriate Use of Community Resources: Using community resources for personal purposes unrelated to the community's mission. Examples:

    • Promoting personal products or services irrelevant to the community's objectives.

    • Using community platforms for commercial purposes without authorization.

Possible Sanctions for Minor Offenses

  • Formal Warning: Virtual notification of the offense committed, highlighting the need to correct the behavior and comply with the Code of Conduct.

  • Temporary Participation Ban: Temporary restriction of participation in community discussions, events, or activities to allow reflection on the behavior.

  • Assignment of Community Tasks: Assigning specific tasks to contribute positively to the community as a form of compensation and reflection on the impact of actions.

Participation Exclusivity

Women Biz is dedicated to empowering women in blockchain technology and entrepreneurship. Therefore, our activities, events, and bootcamps are primarily designed for women. This exclusivity allows for the creation of a safe and supportive environment where women can freely and effectively share experiences and knowledge.

Note: Occasionally, we organize inclusive initiatives open to everyone, regardless of gender. These exceptions will be clearly announced and are designed to promote collaboration and learning among all individuals interested in the Web3 ecosystem.

Conduct Committee

The Conduct Committee will be responsible for reviewing and updating the Code of Conduct. This committee will be composed of:

  • A representative from Human Resources.

  • A member of the Core Team.

  • A representative from one of the Women Biz projects, selected by a 2/3 majority vote of the ambassadors.

The Conduct Committee will be renewed annually, ensuring that the review process remains up-to-date and aligned with the community's needs.

Procedure for Handling Offenses

  1. Complaint Reception: Any member can file a complaint about an offense, whether minor or severe, through the designated channels:

    • Email: Send an email to talentohumanowomenbiz@gmail.com with the subject "Complaint about Offense - [Member Name]". This channel will be used for formal complaints requiring an official record.

    • Online Form: Complete the form available on our web platform, accessible through the link https://tally.so/r/3xZWby. This channel is ideal for quick and less formal complaints.

  2. Initial Evaluation (7 business days): The Conduct Committee will evaluate the complaint to determine its severity and the available evidence.

  3. Investigation (7 business days): A detailed investigation will be conducted, including interviews with the involved parties and witnesses, to gather all relevant information.

  4. Decision (7 business days): The committee will make a decision based on objective evidence and apply the corresponding sanctions.

  5. Decision Communication (7 business days): The decision and applied sanctions will be communicated to the involved parties by email, with the subject "Decision on Complaint [Case Number]". The confidentiality of sensitive details will be ensured.


Sanctioned members have the right to appeal the decision by submitting a formal request within 7 days of the communication of the sanction. The committee will review the appeal and make a final decision.

Code of Conduct Review

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed every 6 months to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Members will be informed of any changes and have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions.


Collaboration and mutual respect are fundamental to the success of our community. Through this Code of Conduct, we commit to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all women as we explore and harness the power of blockchain technology for female empowerment.

Last updated