Women Biz at Devcon 2022


Devcon is one of the largest conferences in technology in the blockchain ecosystem (we found out in Ethereum Lima), that is, a month before the event. At the beginning we had neither a ticket nor an entrance :(. Although we saw many communities that were drawn, we couldn't get them.

We were very excited to go because we knew which would be learning and networking straight to the vein, especially because we would get out of our comfort zone to get to know the web3 ecosystem of other countries and other cultures. Criptomommy was given a ticket from the Cryptomujeres community, and Ayison was given They delivered a ticket from the Herdao latam community, Yes, women supporting women! When they confirmed our ticket, each one automatically bought their ticket and we said: What a start the journey! (Making our first investment in educating ourselves on web3).

What things did we learn on this trip?

  • We met Monica Talan and her work with Cryptoconexion and Warmi Latam.

  • We met many female hackers who made up a community in Mexico.

  • We attended several breakfasts and meetings of women from all over the world, each one with inspiring stories.

  • A stand dedicated to women was provided where we met: BLU3DAO and HERDAO. Global women communities and DAOs.

  • We met the inspiring Angela Ocando from the Platzi team.

  • Cryptomommy was a volunteer for Ethereum LATAM that took place that same week.

  • Lia (former Women Biz ambassador) won a hackathon within the activities of the week.

  • We attended various events throughout the week, and they told us again that what What we did were: public goods and we had to apply for financing.

Picture left is Criptomommy at Devcon.

Last updated